Categories: Animals/Petslife

Dog Dubbed Hero After Disappearing For Several Hours Only To Rescue Another Dog

Louie, a 12-year-old dog from New Zealand, has disappeared for hours and made his owners worried.


When he finally returned that night, they noticed a note attached to his collar. According to Marolyn Diver, Louie’s owner, Louie was born a wanderer!

Image credit: Marolyn Diver


Louie As A Pup! Who’s A Good Dog?

When Louie was young, he used to run around away from home and managed to come back without problems. He would explore the rich farmlands of New Zealand, lay on the grass, and relax as many other people do!

Image credit: Marolyn Diver


Louie also loves to hand around his home and sunbathe! But now that he’s almost 13, he hadn’t left home as often as before, so his owners were afraid when he was gone that whole afternoon. They were worried that Louie wouldn’t remember his way back.


Image credit: Marolyn Diver

12-Year-Old Louie’s Another Adventure!

Louie had another great adventure that people around him will always remember! Who’s a good boy? Louie is a good boy!


When Louie disappeared for several hours, his owners were so worried about his condition. He finally showed up later that night, and he was completely exhausted and so drained that he just collapsed. That’s when the owners noticed a strange note attached to his collar.


Image credit: Marolyn Diver

The note reads, “Louie is the hero of the day, He led me to Maddy in distress stuck under a brush pile. Cheers, Rob.”


Rob is a farmer and friend of the Diver family. He lives about a mile away from Louie’s home. Marolyn quickly grabbed the phone and asked Rob about what happened, and he told her that Maddy, his dog, had also been missing.

Image credit: Marolyn Diver


It turns out, Louie was gone all day because he sensed danger. When he found another dog in distress, he decided to be the superhero of the day!

Earlier that day, Rob couldn’t find his little dog, Maddy. He went to town to run some errands, believing that Maddy would return by the time he came back. When he arrived home, Maddy still didn’t show up.


Image credit: Marolyn Diver

But there was Louie, a very persistent Louie, who was trying to give him signals. Louie was trying to make Rob follow him. When Rob realized what the dog was trying to do, he followed Louie to a woodpile.


There he found Maddy, who somehow got stuck underneath a pile of branches. Rob and Louie helped Maddy out. The dog was tugging on branches and digging as hard as Rob was! Moments later, the rescue mission freed the poor dog. Maddy and Louie quickly ran to a nearby pond to drink water.


Image credit: Marolyn Diver

After the incident, Rob rewarded Louie with a handful of doggie treats. He also wrote a note for the owners. Louie might be in trouble for being out the entire afternoon, and he didn’t want him to get in trouble! This super good doggie just saved Maddy’s life.


The next day, Louie was fully recovered from his exhausting adventure. A visit from his friend Maddy made him feel even better!

Image credit: Marolyn Diver


Do you also think that Louie is a GOOD BOY? Let us know what you think in the comments section below. Don’t forget to SHARE this amazing post with your family and friends on Facebook!