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Dramatic Dog Fakes Own Death In Walk Protest

Watch the video of our cute furry friend, Begbie!


Video credit: DailyMail

The dog is the most lovable pet, and we love to be with this animal. We all love our Pets, we feel happy and relaxed with our pets.

Animals are smart, clever and sometimes more intelligent than us. They are too moody, or dramatic sometimes. Sometimes, they behave like kids.


Incredible photos show a dramatic dog appear to fake his own death in protest after not being taken on his preferred walking route.


Begbie throws himself to the road and lies motionless if he gets a short route around the block, rather than his usual hour-long trip around fields.

Dog walker Michele Bilsland is used to this behavior, but strangers get alarmed – such as two workmen so worried at seeing him ‘drop dead’ that they stopped to try and help.


Last Friday, four-year-old Old English Bulldog Begbie hit the floor once he turned left instead of right from his cul-de-sac.


He realized they weren’t heading up the hill to the woods so refused to move – turning his head away ‘in disgust’.

Two workmen then stopped to see if they could help, thinking he had suddenly collapsed.

‘Because Begbie was on the floor and his head was turned away they thought he’d died on me,’ Michele said.


‘I told them he was fine and just having a tantrum and sulking so he wouldn’t move because he was playing dead.’

Begbie staged a minute-long protest before conceding defeat and starting plodding along the road in Muthill, Perth, and Kinross.


Mom-of-two Michele said: ‘I’ve got used to it now so I know not to drag him along. After around a minute he just got up under his own steam but then did the same again a little later on.


‘It’s such a lovely, unique side to him – I can’t get frustrated at him.’

‘The walk he likes is about an hour and despite his build when he’s out with Labradors and Spaniels he always tries to keep up.


‘After the walk, Michele, who owns Home Alone Crieff, posted on Facebook about what happened.

‘Begbie just has a very strong personality that matches his physique,’ she said.

His owners Roz Niblock, 30, and Matt Kennedy, 33, named him after the Trainspotting character due to his larger-than-life personality.


Cake business owner Roz said: ‘He knows what he likes and has a strop when he doesn’t get his own way.’




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