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A Dog With Disfigured Face Found A Forever Home

A rescued dog who has a wonky face has finally found a family to live with after a number of adoption requests.


Brodie, who’s half German Shepherd, half Border Collie, was born in a protected place but his mom attacked him when he was just 13 days of age.

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[rumble video_id=v641nh domain_id=u7nb2]

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She bit Brodie’s head inflicting life-threatening facial and cranial injuries to the pup.

However, he proved to be a tough little guy and survived the injuries, though it was at the cost of a permanently disfigured face.

The unfortunate little pup’s jaw fused together with age but one side of his face couldn’t develop the right way, leaving him nearly blind in one eye.

Metro News

Brodie was previously adopted by a family but his owner returned him to the shelter complaining that he was ‘too hyper’ to keep in a house.


However, when Amanda Richter and her boyfriend Brad Ames saw the innocent pooch on an online listing, they saw more than just his disfigured face.

For 30-year-old Amanda, it was “love at first sight.”

Amanda and Brad drove all the way to the Old MacDonald Kennels in Alberta, Canada, last September and brought Brodie home the same day.

Metro News

According to the shelter, they received a large number of adoption requests for Brodie but they decided that Amanda and Brad were the right family for him.


Amanda confessed crying a few times after seeing Brodie’s picture online but she said that she “felt drawn to him, for some reason.”

“We met him, took him for a walk and hung out with him for a few hours and ended up bringing him home the same day because the rescue really felt we were a great fit,” said Amanda.


“He’s definitely hyper but he is so intelligent. His brain is perfectly fine and he learns tricks within 10 minutes usually, which tells me he is a smart boy.

“He just needed patience and someone to be consistent. He gets better every week.”

Metro News

There is a possibility of further complications for Brodie as he grows up but the loving owners are up for taking any challenge to keep him healthy.


Amanda said: “There is a chance that, as he gets bigger, more issues can arise, but for now he is as healthy and happy as ever.

“It’s actually funny because when we go to the dog park everyone notices how he is the happiest pup there and just wants to play and run.”


Amanda and Brad have plans to train Brodie as a therapy dog and use his example to create awareness about specially challenged dogs.

Metro News

Amanda said: “We hope to train him to be a therapy dog one day so he can help other people with disabilities.


“We also hope that we can raise awareness for other special needs dogs and show people that just because someone or something looks different, they can be perfectly imperfect in their own unique way.

“Dogs are resilient and he has no idea he looks different, so he enjoys his life just the same as any other pup.”



