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Stray Dog Kept On Bringing Gifts To The Woman Who Fed Him

aha 1.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Stray Dog Kept On Bringing Gifts To The Woman Who Fed Him

Kindness is a gift, and not everyone is fortunate enough to receive it.


 Our parents and elders keep telling us how important is it to appreciate someone’s kindness and to be grateful for it. Though many of us humans have forgotten this basic manner of appreciation, this animal surprised us with his gesture of gratefulness.

The Dodo

Orawan Kaewla-iat is a woman who has been feeding stray dogs for years now. Every dog that comes to her place for food, she makes sure never to go back hungry. She feeds the dogs with rice every day.



One day, a dog and his mom came to her house. She named the dog Tua.

Tua was a very well-behaved dog, and he loved Orawan. Orawan once shared on her Facebook about how Tua makes sure to bring her a present each day before every meal as a token of thanks.


He generally brought a leaf or a piece of paper he could find. He takes that to Orawan and makes sure she looks at her and is aware of his gift. He would only start eating after he knows Orawan knows he brought her a gift.


She shared a video on her Facebook of Tua bringing her a leaf. He held the leaf in his mouth and gave it to Orawan as a token of thanks for the food she gives him.


Orawan was touched with this gesture by Tua. The video soon went viral, and people came up with wishes to adopt the kind dog and his mother.


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