Categories: Animals/Pets

Dog Owners Are Getting Matching Pedicures With Their Dogs To Strengthen Their Bond

As a part of a new trend, pet owners are now getting matching pedicures with their dogs in an attempt to strengthen their bond.


While the idea has been praised by many, the vets have spoken out and warned people against painting dogs’ nails because the consequences can be extremely dangerous.

rachaelwattsdoggrooming – Instagram

Rather than taking a dog for a walk or playing with it, a growing number of owners now paint their pets’ nails because they believe doing so will strengthen their bond with the animal.


While all may seem well, the experts have warned that regular nail polish can be very toxic to dogs despite having no effects on humans.

sachandcha – Instagram

“Nail polish designed for dogs is incredibly safe; nail polish for humans, on the other hand, is quite toxic,” Dogsaholic wrote.


“This can be a problem considering that dogs may frequently lick or chew on their nails. Nail polishes for humans contain three toxic chemicals that can make your dog extremely sick: dibutyl phthalate, toluene, formaldehyde.

Warren London

“These three chemicals are extremely dangerous and represent a health risks to your dog if they’re ingested. Ingestion can lead to chronic conditions such as asthma, developmental problems, and other illnesses.”


With that in mind, it is important for dog owners to realize that painting dogs’ nails can be very dangerous unless the right nail polish is used.


If you are ready to jump on the bandwagon and give your dog a pedicure, please make sure to use nail polish designed for dogs to keep your furry friend safe.


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