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Adorable Dog Started ‘Singing’ Along To The Music


People tend to sing or hum along whenever their favorite tune comes on the radio.


It’s a natural instinct among people to emulate the things that they like. But animals are the same, too.

Watch it for yourself here!

[rumble video_id=v5xgbx domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

In this adorable video, Keed the Aussie loves the blues and once his owner starts playing some tunes, Keed starts “singing” along with gusto. And if you thought that this is unique to Keed, a study revealed that both dogs and cats can become fans of music that they like.


The study was conducted by Galaxie which has a network of music channels on Canadian radio. Animals recognize different tunes and can develop a favorite theme or song. And when they’re left alone at home for long stretches, they would rather have some soft background music playing rather than total silence in the house.


Researchers at Queens University’s School of Psychology also discovered that dogs also find classical music relaxing. They tend to rest more and bark less. The opposite is also true of heavy metal, which causes dogs to be more agitated and keep barking.


One theory that seeks to explain this phenomenon states that since dogs are descended from wolves, the genetic tendency of wolves to communicate via howling has made its way to dogs who can distinguish the different tones of music, producing either relaxation or agitation among them.


Dogs also have more sensitive hearing than humans and can thus be more easily influenced by music.

And if you’re concerned that a dog that howls to music might be because they are in pain due to their sensitive hearing, the American Kennel Association said that if the dogs were bothered by the sound, they would flee from it rather than approach or join in the chorus.


So there you have it. If there are instances when you want to calm your dog down or they won’t stop barking even if you shush them several times, consider playing them some classical music. Not only will it calm the dog down, but it can also help you calm down as well. It’s a win-win!


