Categories: Animals/Petslife

Dog Who Survived A House Fire Becomes A Therapy Dog For Burn Victims

An adorable dog named Taka got severely injured during a house fire last year.


The 9-year-old dog was resting on the porch of his home in Georgia when it got caught on fire.

Taka’s human family managed to escape and tried to take the pooch with them but couldn’t. The dog woke up and immediately ran away but he got badly injured on the way out.


The senior dog had burns all over his belly, eyes, ears, and mouth. Because of the incident, he ended up going blind.


A neighbor rushed the pooch to the Care More Animal Hospital where Taka received treatment for his injuries. His human family also went to the hospital to see him but because of his poor condition, they decided that it would be best for him to stay in the facility.


They were also worried that they wouldn’t be able to provide the loving pooch with the best care for his injuries.

The vets gave Taka love and care. One of the vets, Emily Martin, started taking him with her one night. She told The Dodo that the pooch loves belly rubs, cuddles, and also food. After a few weeks of treatment, he was ready to go to a foster home.

Animal Channel

Martin even considered fostering him but she already had 5 dogs and a child at home. Fortunately, another vet, Chrystal Lesley, was available to foster the loving pooch. Then she heard about the Canine Training Project, a program that helps canines of all ages.


Mandy Foster, the Canine Training Project, said: “Sometimes it takes a little bit longer, but in Taka’s case he’s nine-years-old and he has flown through his training. He’s brilliant.”

Puppy Toob

Taka did amazing with his training that Chrystal decided to adopt him! She then decided to train him to become a therapy dog for a burn center and it turned out that Taka was really excellent with people.


“He’s got the right temperament for it,” Mandy expressed.

Animal Channel

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