Categories: Animals/PetsDaily top 10life

A Good Doggy Showed That He’s Getting Enough Exercise By Running On The Treadmill


Our bodies are built to move.


If the numerous joints in our bones and the muscles spread out across our body are not obvious enough, science has shown that a sedentary lifestyle introduces hormonal changes in our body that make us more prone to degenerative diseases.

Watch this dog exercise below.


[rumble video_id=v5xher domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

It’s only when you closely look at the workings of the body that you realize the miracle of its existence. For example, when it comes to the knee, the light impacts produced by moving actually send signals to the body to produce the hormones and cells that accelerate healing. It’s an automatic thing that we hardly think about but which the body knows.


That’s why nowadays after knee operations extended bed stays are discouraged and patients are instructed to start moving around in order to promote healing. It’s counter-intuitive but that’s how it is.


And just as important as exercise is for the human body, it’s equally as important for animals. And one particular dog has got a head start over all his peers because he’s using the treadmill to exercise!

For this doggo, blizzards or heavy rain that prevent going out is no excuse not to get his mileage in and it puts all of us to shame.


It’s easy for dogs to become lazy about exercise especially if they’re fed and pampered all day. This is why it’s important to try to walk your dog and get them as active as possible in order to keep them at their best health.


But just like with people, it’s important not to overdo things and allow your dog to recover from any physical activity so as to avoid injury.


When it comes to encouraging your pet to exercise, don’t force them while they’re still puppies. They’ll naturally expend their energy playing. But for adult dogs starting from two to five years of age can engage in physical activities with their owners if they want.


But do take note that you should take a dog’s physique into account when trying to get them into some sort of physical activity. A chihuahua won’t have much success playing fetch the ball as a Labrador would, for example. You need to tailor your activity to your dog and a veterinarian should be able to give you the proper guidance on that.


