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Dog’s Heartwarming Way Of Showing Gratitude After Being Rescued Brought His Rescuer To Tears


Watch the video below and see just how much the dog’s gratitude affected the lady as her act of rescuing did for him.


Video credit: ViralHog

Even if one isn’t a dog lover, every normal person can’t help but get that fuzzy feeling at the antics that our canine friends give us. And when all that is backed up by the unconditional love that these pets give their owners, it simply boggles the mind how others can mistreat these wonderful creatures.


That was certainly the case for one woman who couldn’t bear to see any dog in distress to the point that she went out of her way to rescue one. And when it showed her just how much he was feeling grateful for the rescue, the kind-hearted woman couldn’t help but burst into tears at the sight.


She recalled: “I saw abandoned dogs for days with no food, water or shelter, dying in 100 + degrees. They were tied up on two-foot chains, not able to move. I waited to see if someone would help them and I couldn’t sleep at night, so I saved them.”


One of the dogs that she rescued was sitting in the front seat of her car and what’s remarkable is that despite being subjected to such trauma, the dog still had enough left in him to show gratitude to his rescuer. In the accompanying video, he can be seen just putting one of his paws on her arm so that she can bring it closer to him. And once she did that, he did the most adorable thing and hugged her arm. Who wouldn’t be touched by something like that?


“It broke my heart that he’d been neglected and was dying and wasn’t mad at me but grateful. I started to cry and again, his focus shifted from himself to now my needs. I couldn’t believe so much love came from an animal that literally just came from a situation like he was in.”


The dog, named Rover, definitely showed more humanity than most humans display towards others. It was a touching display that would imprint itself into her heart forever and definitely made her effort worth it.



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