Categories: Entertainmentlife

People Who Are So Clueless They Don’t Realize They’ve Made A Hilarious Mistake

pay closer attention.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - People Who Are So Clueless They Don’t Realize They’ve Made A Hilarious Mistake

Stay out too late with your friends, and you will most likely end up in big, big trouble! Luckily, there’s always one responsible person in the group who always tries to herd the rest like a sheep.


However, not every incident like this comes with a hangover and a lesson the next morning. In fact, you can be completely sober and still be clueless about how much trouble you’ve put yourself in. Well, that happens even to the best of us!

#1. Let’s hope that she realizes what’s going on quietly.

I can’t imagine how embarrassed she will be if she gets tired of waiting and asks what’s taking them so long.



#2. Someone just wanted to make a mega sandwich, but it turned out like this.

The person who made this should at least get some credit for pushing through anyway. His sandwich may look dry, but it has some lettuce in it. Haha!



#3. She even drew a circle and took a screenshot just to show the hair.

No wonder her husband can’t see what she’s talking about. Fortunately, the fix for this problem is simple.



#4. We can’t blame this kid for going close to Pikachu, but something about this Pokémon makes us nervous.

Besides that creep factor, we are worried that the black circle below its mouth is a “hidden” camera.



#5. Why use sunscreen if you can just burn yourself?

Lesson learned: Always wear gloves to prevent sunburn.



#6. I believe that alcohol and the easiest place to slip and fall don’t go together.

Even dance clubs don’t open right away after they just mopped the floor, right?



#7. It looks like this guy took his drone into the wrong neighborhood, and now he gets what he deserved.

Drones don’t seem so cool now that it’s obvious he just pranked a couple of expert pitchers.



#8. It seems like someone didn’t understand the whole point of this ramp.

At least it’s a good attraction if that’s what it’s intended for.



#9. He thought that he was having the best day of his life until he saw his photo.

With that huge smile on his face, it seems like he still doesn’t realize what’s swimming behind him.



#10. Just imagine going home to this…

What exactly did the pizza do to deserve this? It’s torture!


What are your thoughts on this? Do you have hilarious photos that you’d like to share with us along with the story behind them? Let us know in the comments section below! Don’t forget to SHARE this with your family and friends to spread some fun!