Categories: life

Driver Sees Something Moving Near The Highway, Then Realizes It’s A Baby!

It seemed like a normal day for Bryant Collins, a car mechanic from Georgia.


As he was driving down Highway 72, however, something unusual caught his eye.

What he noticed was something that seemed to be moving nearby the edge of the highway. Half-curious and half-worried, Collins decided to stop his car and check it out.

Image via LittleThings

When Collins finally got out of the car to take a closer look, he could not believe his eyes- that something” was a BABY girl!


Stunned, Collins quickly grabbed the infant and called 911 for help.
When Sheriff Kip Thomas arrived, he was also utterly shocked to find out that this 15-month old baby was crawling along a highway by herself.

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After a bit of an investigation, Sheriff Thomas found out that this infant girl’s home was about 300 yards away from the highway.
Apparently, this baby somehow left home by herself, crawled through the woods, and ended up exactly where Collins had found her. While police tried to figure things out, Collins stayed with the baby girl for two hours, playing her some soothing gospel music.


Both the Sheriff and Collins agree that how this baby made it to a nearby highway without getting hurt is a true miracle. Of course, the baby’s father was arrested immediately.


By saving the child, Collins was also able to show that he had changed. As an ex-convict who served 10 years in prison, Bryant wanted to reform himself completely once he got out from the prison. According to the interview he did with WXIA, when Bryant was in prison, he “made a very conscientious effort to change”. Now, in addition to being a hardworking repairman, Bryant is a hero to the entire community.


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