Categories: life

Drone Captures Stunning Images Of Sea Around Portsmouth Resembling A Tropical Paradise

Stunning aerial images of the coastline of Britain show how much the usual grey and cloudy areas around the U.


K. are now transformed, possibly because humans are staying in during the lockdown.

To satisfy your inner nature-lover even more, watch this footage too.


The pictures were captured by the drone flying above Portsmouth and depict an azure blue sea, which could be mistaken with a postcard image of tropical paradise.


The typically murky waters glow in vibrant turquoise and according to some people, this is because of the decrease in pollution levels due to lockdown. Neither humans not industries are disturbing these waters currently.


This could only be a possibility but even if it is, lockdown is resulting in something positive. The waters may be crystal clear because they are stiller and not affected by usual human activities.


Because humans are currently staying indoors, the water has been left undisturbed and that could be the reason water looks more colorful and cleaner than general.


Mike Woods, who captured the images using drones from Solent Sky Services, his family business, said that there had been various kinds of talks about the water’s color but according to him, nature is thriving.


Mike added that the view beautiful to see and it looked like one was in a different country and called the view phenomenal. He further noted that he had never seen the water appear so clear.


To assume that all of the environmental issues would get solved during some weeks of human inactivity would be too over-optimistic. However, nature has started to look more beautiful and purer.


The science that goes behind why waters look bluer now is that the color of the sea is influenced significantly by blue and red lights coming from the sun.


While the sea absorbs the major of the red light, it reflects blue light and the hue depends on how many particles are present in the water. And if there are more particles, the water would look murkier and darker.

Since the particles due to human activity and car pollution have diminished dramatically, the beaches look like untouched sandy stretches of Seychelles.


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