Categories: life

A Drunk Driver’s Mother Is Thrown In Jail by Judge After Incident

It is selfish when one person’s actions destroy the life of another person.


It usually happens in the cases of drink and drive where the drunk driver kills someone, and it just gets worse from there.

Unfortunately, these situations cannot be reversed as another person really loses everything. Nowadays, there are no justifications for driving while you are drunk as you can easily book an Uber.


Recently something terrible happened in Redfort Township, Michigan, and it shows how casually people have started taking things after it costs someone’s life.


Amanda Kosal, who is a 25-year-old woman, hit another vehicle in the morning, and her car drifted towards the other lane and hit a pickup truck.

The driver of the truck was inside it with his fiancé. Jerome Zirker, the 31-year-old driver, was inside the truck with his 31-year-old wife, Brittany Johnson.


Brittany got injured during the accident, but the hit killed Zirker. Thankfully there was only one positive thing about the whole thing, and that was the couple didn’t bring their kids with them that night.


While being in the court, Amanda was crying and pleading as she was under the influence.


Judge Qiana Lillard was furious when she saw people from Kosal’s family laughing. She immediately asked a man who was laughing to leave the courtroom by calling him a joker.


She then requested Kosal’s mother, Donna Kosal, to leave too, and the judge further said that if you don’t know how to act in such situations, then you can go to jail also.


The judge further said that this is a courtroom and inside here serious matters about people’s lives are discussed. Even if you all are upset about your loved one going to jail, then you need to know that she is going inside for the choices she made.


The judge sent Donna Kosal to 93 days in prison for criminal contempt. Donna’s sentence was reduced to a single day after she apologized to the judge.  Amanda was sentenced to three to fifteen years in prison for her role in Zirker’s death.


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