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81-Year-Old Man Dug Up The 19th Century Sword He Buried Back When He Was 11 Years Old


When Peter Pike was 11 years old, he stumbled upon a Napoleonic sword as he was playing with his friends in the woods around Newton Abbot.


As a boy, he was afraid he would get into trouble because of his discovery so he buried it in the spot where he found it and never told anyone, even his three friends, about it.

However, he soon forgot about it and only remembered when he was 41 years old. He went back to Newton Abbot while on holiday and was amazed to discover that the sword was still there.


Watch to learn more in the video below!

[rumble video_id=v5xgm7 domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

Now 81, Peter still has the sword and it takes pride of place at his home in Paignton, Devon.

Since he discovered the sword prior to the passing of the 1996 Treasure Act, it cannot be qualified as Treasure so Peter can keep the sword.


He recounted: “We were playing in Bradley Woods. When I was a child that’s what you did.

“Every Saturday morning about four of us would go and play up in the woods and we built our own den.


“We all used to go up to where we were playing. I was only about 11 and it was all very sweet and innocent.

“One day one of the lads said ‘Can we make another den this one’s getting very dirty’ and I was pushed under a big bramble bush to have a look.


“As I was pushing back all the roots and leaves I found this sword – a big metal one in a metal holster.

“I was so surprised I didn’t know what to do.”

Since he was living in a children’s home at the time, Peter thought he would get into trouble if he brought the sword back, so he buried it.


He added: “In those days if we did anything wrong they always threatened that you would get sent to Forde Park if you were naughty.

“I thought if I took a sword back to the children’s home that I would get sent to Forde Park which was more like a prison for boys.


“So I didn’t tell anybody – I covered it up with mud again and left it for later.

“But then I just forgot all about it for years and years.”


Experts at the Newton Abbot Museum have examined the sword and confirmed that it’s likely from the early 19th century, towards the end of the Napoleonic wars.

He added: “I never thought about it once in all that time.

“It wasn’t until I was back in Devon on holiday that I remembered. We arranged to go back to the woods and take my daughter’s beach spade with us.


“I couldn’t believe it – I went straight back to the exact same bush and dug with the child’s metal spade and I was lucky. It was still there. I couldn’t believe it.

“We decided to bring it home and it’s been with us ever since, in pride of place on the fireplace.


“It’s in a metal holster and it was well-oiled but it looks like it’s seen some heavy action – there’s damage on the hilt and I wonder if that’s why it was thrown away.

“The Museum is interested in putting it on display but I don’t want to give it away or sell it – maybe at some later time, but not just yet.”


