Categories: life

Dutch City Coats 316 Bus Shelters with Plants to Promote Bees

A city in the Netherlands has coated the tops of 316 bus stops in flowers in plants as a present to honeybees.



Utrecht has covered the roofs of these bus stops in sedum plants in order to promote the pollinating insects to visit.


It is not only good for the bees, but also for the environment. The plants on the top of the bus shelters also trap rainwater and confine particles and fine dust from the air.


In short, the move is worthwhile both the ways.


However, the people who are behind the scheme have not stopped yet. The bus shelters are preserved by council employees who drive electric vehicles.

They have also been fitted with solar-powered LED lights that are environment-friendly. They also have bamboo benches fitted for passengers to take the load off whilst they wait for their bus.


As we all are aware, we must take urgent action to save the planet, the environment, and widely, ourselves.

This is just a small manner in which the city of Utrecht has got its hands on to change something. Not only the shelters, but there are also plans to introduce 55 electric buses by the end of this year with the goal of completely clean public transport by 2028.


The energy that will be used to power the city’s new green-fuelled buses will come from various windmills in the Netherlands. Well, the nation is popular for them.


These recent measures are part of a bigger scheme that is run by the city for its cleaning up act.

As part of the scheme, the people living in the city can apply for funding to make the roofs of their house a green roof for attracting the insects.

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