Dogs and men have shared an amazing bond since the day they both came on the planet.
Proofs have been found that even the civilizations dating thousands of years back had pet dogs.
Dogs are amazing friends and love givers. They are fabulous animals, full of enthusiasm and excitement. They can make anyone happy.
This story is about a dying man, Peter, whose last wish was to meet his beloved dog Shep. Peter suffered from fibrosis of the lungs, and his condition was depleting each day. Everyone knew he was not going to make out of the hospital alive.

Peter has a best friend, Shep, his dog. Peter and Shep share an amazing bond full of love. After Peter’s wife died, Shep was the one who inspired him to live. He never left him alone and gave him reasons to live.

Peter is in the hospital now, almost on his deathbed. He knows he is going to die soon and wants to see his best friend one last time before he goes away.
However, the hospital policies do not allow any animal to enter the premises for obvious reasons of not having any risks of infection for the patients.
They decided to make an exception for Peter after Peter’s nurse Cherly White requested them too. She knew hr,fe was going to die soon and wanted to make this dying man happy.
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