It is widely believed that E-cigarettes are safe means of smoking as the object does not use tobacco.
E-cigarettes and vapes were introduced as an object that can help a smoker to quit tobacco.
At first, the device was being used for the same but occasionally it also became a means of entertainment and from young adults to oldies, everyone is using them.
One of the prime reasons that so many people are using it today is because there is a belief that Vapes and E-Cigarettes do not harm but it is not at all true.

Scientists have been in a dilemma over the topic for a long time now and have taken out many studies to check on the same.
In a recent study on the topic, scientists have discovered that people using vapes are twice as likely to suffer from problems like wheezing and having difficulty in breathing as compared to the people who do not smoke or uses vape.
These problems may look minimal to you at one point but it can turn out into major issues. The breathing problem and wheezing happen because of the smoke, the air paths become inflamed and narrow.
This can cause several severe problems like acid reflux, COPD, heart failure, and even cancer.
Yes, E-cigarettes are not as harmful as cigarettes are but they still can cause a lot of health trouble. studies have shown that E-Cigarettes are more likely to cause heart diseases and cancer.
In their latest research, the University of Rochester Medical Center adding more fear said: ” the only take home advice is that if you want your lungs to live then you have to stay away from E-cigarettes.”
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