Categories: Foodlife

Elderberry May Help To Ease Some Of Your Cold Symptoms

Elderberry is one of the most used medicinal plants in the world.


This natural remedy can help your symptoms. Researchers share the health benefits of elderberry and tell how to use it to stay well this season.

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“Elderberry is a berry that grows in little clusters on the black elder plant.point 302 |


It has been used as an herbal remedy for more than a century,” says Robin Foroutan, M.point 76 | S.point 78 | , RDN, a registered dietitian specializing in integrative medicine at the Morrison Center in New York City and a national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.point 229 |


“What’s so interesting about it is that in the years before antibiotics, elderberry was one of the most often-used medicinal remedies by herbalists, physicians, and pharmacists,” she says.point 179 | point 179 | 1


Look at closely of Elderberry’s deep purple hue, you will know just how packed the berry is with phytonutrients or plant antioxidants. The berry is indeed rich in vitamin C, as well as vitamin A, iron and potassium, it also has antiviral and antimicrobial properties.


“Elderberry contains proteins that block viruses from entering our cells, has been found to stop viruses from replicating, and it may also increase levels of virus-fighting antibodies,” says Foroutan. Translation: taking the berry may help safeguard you from sickness in the first place, but if you do fall ill, taking it at the right time (and the right amount) can prevent the infection from getting worse.

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Eating Well

Foroutan points to one telling randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study from 2004 in the Journal of International Medical Research on 60 patients who had flu-like symptoms.point 267 |


Those who took a half-ounce of elderberry syrup four times a day for five days got better four days faster compared to a placebo group.point 111 | “The added benefit was that those same people had fewer and less severe symptoms and they took much less over-the-counter medication,” she says.point 245 |


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Taking elderberry daily during the duration of cold and flu season to prevent infection is safe, says Foroutan. Remember, whatever you take as medicine, consult your doctor first.

You can take elderberry in many ways, including extracts/syrups, lozenges, and gummy supplements. Often, it’s mixed with other antivirals like zinc or echinacea for a one-two germ-fighting punch.




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