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Electric Car Battery To Run For 1500 Miles: Navy Officer-Turned-Battery Inventor Signed the Multi-Million Contract

Electric cars are one of the greener inventions of mankind.


Allowing you to drive your car without affecting nature, electric cars run on battery. There is a certain charging limit, after which you would need to plug in your car. 

Have you ever imagined driving your electric car for around 1500 miles without charging your car? 1500 miles is certainly four times better than the most expensive electric car in the industry. 


A revolutionary battery has been developed that can charge not only electric cars but also power buses, huge lorries, and aircraft as well. 


Another major perk of this revolutionary battery is that it is far cheaper and easily recyclable than any conventional battery. 


It might sound like a science fantasy, but it is a trend towards a greener world. Last Friday, British Navy officer-turned battery inventor, Trevor Jackson, signed a multi-million-pound contract of producing the device in bulk in the UK. 


An engineering firm based in Essex, Austin Electric, owns the right to put thousands of these batteries into electric cars from next year.

Danny Corcoran, Austin Electric’s chief executive, stated that this new battery technology is a real game-changer. 


He further added that it had got all the potential to bring the next revolution in the industry. It will tap right into the disadvantages of traditional electric car batteries.


 It is high time that the automobile industry prioritizes the environment and manufacture more electric cars by gradually diminishing the production of petrol/diesel-powered vehicles. 


With the inclusion of these revolutionary batteries in electric cars, there’s no doubt in asserting that we can cultivate a safer and greener environment for generations.  


Corcoran added that the environment is getting highly affected by vehicle fuel burning. He said if there’s anything that has to be done to stop everything, it’s the revolutionary battery technology. 

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