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7 Elementary School Students Used Pencil Sharpener Blades To Cut Themselves In Response To Bullying

ec8db8eb84ac12.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 7 Elementary School Students Used Pencil Sharpener Blades To Cut Themselves In Response To Bullying

Reports from an elementary school in Maryland suggest that 7 children slit their wrist in Prince George County.


The students got these blades from their pencil-sharpener and attempted to cut themselves while still in school.

The Police reported that the incident happened before the spring break. Once the incident was reported, a crisis counseling team made its way to the school to have a discussion with the families of the seven students involved.


The severity of the cuts wasn’t much, according to the school nurse. There hasn’t been any official information released yet owing to the privacy of the students.



The incident took place at William Paca Elementary School, and none of the children reported were hospitalized. It is still unclear whether the incident had any correlation with bullying.

A therapist, Dr. Christina recommended the parents to talk to their children about the incident. She believes it is important for the parents to have open communication with their children so that their thoughts and feelings are discussed. It is important to support the children, and the parents must make them believe that they are there for their children, no matter what.


Dr. Christina also recommended the parents to have some family activities or go to the park with their children or take them out for a meal. It is important to create a bond between the parents and the children.


She believes it is important to normalize the feelings of the incident that happened. The children must be told that they aren’t alone in this and there are others who feel the same way.


The parents must take the guidance of mental health professionals if necessary. The therapists are specifically trained to handle such situations. The school is most likely to offer the clinical support free of cost to the children.

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