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Girl Had An Emotional Reaction After Learning She Would Receive A New Heart

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For three years, Macey Wright has been desperately waiting to hear this.


When the moment came, however, Macey still could not believe this was really happening.

She was finally going to get a new heart!

Image via Telegraph
Image via Telegraph

Macey, the one featured in the video, is a 14-year-old teenager born with a congenital heart defect.


Macey’s mother, Patricia Wright, explains that her conditions got worse even with the open heart surgeries.
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Then, Macey began to show symptoms of heart failure. As a result, she was bumped up on the donor list to receive a heart transplant.


Now, all Macey and her family could do was to wait for the phone call.

Patricia said that Macey “had high pressures in her lungs and they need to be low enough to receive a transplant. If [a heart] didn’t come soon, she would have to have a heart and lung transplant. There was a great urgency when the call came.”


Then, a miracle happened.
After receiving the phone call, Patricia pulled out her phone to capture Macey’s reaction to this amazing news.
“I wanted everybody else to see how amazing that call was for our friend and family,” said Patricia.
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She also added that “[Macey] is a pretty tender, sweet-hearted girl. I did think she’d cry tears of joy, but I did not think she’d be that elated.”


Within a few hours, Macey checked in at Primary Children’s Medical Center.

On that very same day, Macey received her new heart.

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Image via Teen Vogue

When asked about Macey’s current condition, Patricia said that she is fully recovered, but “Macey’s been faced with many difficult emotions besides feeling sick on top of that.point 396 |


She’s had to realize what that means to get a donor organ.point 53 | That makes her sad for the donor’s family.point 94 | She struggles with that, but she’s so grateful that somebody gave her this gift.point 167 | point 174 | 1

Image via Facebook

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