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A Starbucks Barista Quit His Job By Singing A Song To His Manager

People quit their jobs by writing a resignation letter or informing privately, but Anesti Danelis is different.


The Toronto-based musical and sketch comedian worked at a Starbucks, and he recently decided to quit his job.

Instead of telling to his manager privately, Danelis wrote a song and performed for his boss inside the coffee shop last Friday.


The tune, with the NSFW title of “F— This, I Quit”. He sings about refusing “to work for someone who treats their employees like s–t.” The former barista’s performance was recorded by his friends, which was posted on YouTube Monday.


“I’ve been working here for a few years and it’s been so nice to work here. My lovely coworkers, I get to see all your lovely faces every day. But I have a song for my manager,” Danelis says to customers in the clip before starting the song.


“Dear manager, I’ve been working here for so long. I’ve got something that I want to tell you, so I thought I would say it in a song,” he sings. “F— this, I quit! F— this place, I quit. I don’t want to work for someone who treats their employees’ likes—!”


“I found a way better job, today was my last day,” Danelis goes on. “I know I’ve got like ten more shifts to work, but f— it, I’m not gonna show up to them anyways. And it feels so good to say, f— this, I quit.”

Despite the controversial lyrics, Danelis tells PEOPLE that he doesn’t want to be overly negative to his manager.


“The song was a little worse but I was like, ‘I can’t be mean, I can’t be negative, let’s just be an adult about it,’” he admits. “It’s meant to be, ‘I’ve had enough working here, I’m gonna remove myself from a negative situation and move on.’ It’s about moving on and being happy, cause I don’t want to live in the negatives anymore and I think that’s what people related to.”

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Danelis said he first thought about this idea to say goodbye to his boss and coworkers through song about a month ago.


“Whenever I have a situation in my mind, I’ll write a song about it and I just remember one day — I probably had a rough shift at work about a month ago, and I was on my bike — I just came up with a song in my mind and I thought, ‘You know what? I should just sing goodbye,’” he recalls.


The comedian said, first he was hesitant to perform, “My mind was like, ‘There’s no way you’re doing that, you’re too much of a coward,’” he said. But after a month, he finally prepared himself to perform while his boss was in the coffee shop.


“I had pretty much the last day I could do it, and I thought, ‘Whatever there’s a guitar, let’s just go do it’ and I did it,” he says. “It was sorta like a movie moment.”

“It just exploded and I was like, ‘Holy s—!’” he says. “It’s been fun. People are sharing their stories about their jobs with me, some people are asking me to quit for them.”


“Maybe this is a side business I can pursue!” he jokingly adds. “It would be a fun thing to do.”

Danelis says he hopes his courage of quitting his job like this will inspire others to remove themselves from negative situations.

“I hope it opens people up to quitting a job that they don’t want to be in. Sometimes we forget that we can leave situations, we don’t have to be stuck in them,” he explains. “We spend so much of our time at work. Some people see their coworkers more than their family.”


“So it’s so important to put yourself in a positive atmosphere, no matter what that is,” he adds. “Get out of it if you don’t like it!”



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