Sometimes we use lots of English words in the wrong way without even realizing it.
Just like the word “awful”, although you will realize that you are using it when talking about something “full of awe.” In reality, this adjective has the opposite meaning.
We share some words we usually confuse and reveal the correct ways to use them.
1 Epilation vs depilation
Epilation is the way to remove unwanted hair by tearing it out.
Depilation is the way to get rid of an unwanted hair at the level of your skin by shaving or trimming.
2 Farther vs further
When you’re talking about a physical distance, you can say, “This is farther from that.”
While further usually refers to a figurative distance, meaning “extra or more” as in the following sentence: “If you complain further, I’m going to stop this conversation and never return to it again.”
3 Flammable vs inflammable
Flammable means “capable of being set on fire.”
Inflammable has also the same meaning, so there’s no difference between these 2 words.
4 Affect vs effect
The effect is a verb that means “to influence or change something.”
The effect is a noun that refers to the result of such influence or change.
5 Emoticon vs emoji
If you use characters such as punctuation marks, numbers, letters, etc. to express your feelings or mood, you use emoticons.
Emojis are graphical expressions that include faces, common objects, places, types of weather, animals, and so on.
6 Famous vs infamous
The word famous we use for people who are known for their great deeds, like heroes.
The word infamous means “famous for a negative reason,” like bank robbers or other criminals.
7 Poisonous vs venomous
Poisonous is used to refer to something toxic if you eat it.
Venomous is used to refer to something toxic if it bites you.
8 Torturous vs tortuous
When something gives you pain and suffering, it’s considered torturous.
Tortuous means “full of twists, turns, or bends.” You can use this word when talking about something too lengthy or complex.
9 Bemused vs amused
Most people think that bemused means “to be amused calmly,” that’s not true. The real meaning of this word is “to be bewildered, puzzled, or confused.”
So when you want to say that you’re having an enjoyable time, you should say that you’re amused.
10 Emigrate vs immigrate
When you leave your country permanently to live in another one, you emigrate.
When you move to another country to permanently settle down there, you immigrate.
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