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“Enough Is Enough!”- Women Boldly Call Out Men Who Refuse To Do Basic Chores As ‘Strategic Incompetence’

Women around the world are calling out their male counterparts who blatantly refuse to indulge in basic chores without providing any logical reasoning behind their behavior.


The words ‘weaponized incompetence’ is trending all over social media platforms like TikTok and there are more than 15.6 million views over the subject. Moreover, TikTokers are not only sharing the subject of much concern but they’re also reacting to how so many men think they’re ‘incapable’ of doing basic chores.

Source: The New York Times

In such a short span of time, the viral hashtag on TikTok has brought a much debatable subject in the limelight. And many feel it’s high time men were held accountable for their behavior.


Many women held the opinion that this was just another sneaky relationship tactic that’s screwing so many women over and it definitely needs to come to a stop.

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Source: ABC News

“There are so many men out there who brush aside their responsibilities and pretend like they can’t do basic tasks,” the women explained.point 385 |


“That makes women vulnerable of picking up their slack and doing the bulk of their household chores as well as their daily parenting tasks, adding unnecessary burden and stress,” they claimed.point 174 | 1

Similarly, so many spoke about how this was an extremely outrageous practice to dump the workload upon one partner, mentioning how it was high time people drew their attention on the matter.

Source: Scary Mommy

“There is something very wrong about the added burden of emotional labor that so many women must bear in a relationship,” explained a Cambridge College professor. She even admitted how so many females have to go through it while growing up, only to realize later on in life that it’s wrong.

Source: BBC

Others held the opinion that so many men pretend to be bad at something just so another person would do the work for them.

Source: TikTok

What are your thoughts on the subject? Do you think men take advantage of ‘strategic incompetence’ in today’s world or not? Let us know in the comments section and don’t forget to SHARE the article with others.