Categories: Animals/Petslife

Citizens of Estonia Accidentally Rescued A Wild Wolf Thinking It Was A Dog

Estonia is a country which experiences freezing winters and it can be dreadful at times if someone gets stuck amidst icy waters.


Recently, Estonian workers rescued a wild wolf and took it to an animal care facility thinking that it was indeed a dog that got stuck in the freezing river.


The workers who were working on the Parnu river on a Sindi dam witnessed an animal of who they thought was a dog to be trapped in the ice-cold river.


They got to know the reality when they took the poor animal to the animal care facility and were told they had brought a wolf and it wasn’t a dog.

The Estonian Union for the Protection of Animals (EUPA) later cleared the confusion of why a wild wolf didn’t react according to its instincts post the confrontation by humans. They said that after getting trapped inside the freezing waters, the wolf’s blood pressure had lowered down which didn’t allow the wolf to react the way it normally does.


One of the Estonian workers who assisted during the wolf’s rescue told the local newspaper that they had to carry the animal on a slope as it was heavy. During the drive to vet care, the wild wolf laid down calmly on the worker’s legs.


The vets were a little alarmed of what might be the true nature of such a large dog, but it was finally confirmed to be a wolf by one of the local hunters. The hunter mentioned that it was indeed a regional male wild wolf that must be around a year old.


Post the discovery; the wolf was placed in a cage as there were chances of him getting aggressive once he regained his strength after recovery.


EUPA is glad that everything turned out to be well and made a special thanks to the men who brought the animal to the facility. The wolf was later shown its way back into the wild and a GPS collar was attached on his body by the researchers of the environment agency of Estonia.


Wolves were chosen as the national animal of Estonia last year. They are usually known to avoid contact with humans.

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