Categories: life

Excited Betty White, 97 Thinks She Is A Lot Cooler Than The NFL’s 100th Kickoff

Ninety-seven-year-old Betty White is ready for the football season and is super excited for the same.


She just made an appearance in the promotional video for NBC for Sunday Night Football to observe the kickoff game of National Football League’s hundredth season.


The video started with Al Michaels, the legendary commentator, standing at a podium where he is wondering about how anyone could put 100 years of the NFL into words. To this, Betty White shouts from off-screen that she can.


As audience gasps and camera zooms to the ninety-seven-year-old actress sitting on a throne-like chair made of red velvet, Michaels is shocked and asks in awe, Betty White?


Scolding the sports commentator, she asks him to keep quiet as B-dog is talking now. She then says a hundred years of NFL history followed by the packers and the bears.


To add to the humor, she says that there is only one thing more badass than the kickoff and exclaims that Michaels is looking at her.


The video ends with the actress putting her game face on while smiling at the camera with eye black.


Betty has previously also gotten involved with the NFL. And no one can forget her extraordinary Snickers advertisement for the 2010 Super Bowl, where she made an appearance only to get tackled mid scrimmage.


The Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears will be seen competing in the season’s opening game on September 5th at 8:20 p.m. ET.

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