Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Put Your Eyes To The Test & Figure Out The Right Answer?

Here’s an optical test that’s designed for some of the best!


Did you know that visual challenges like these can go a long way towards testing your attentiveness? Yes, believe it or not, it’s a unique affair and one that has so many people in absolute awe.

Puzzles and riddles truly go a long way into giving your eyes and brain that healthy workout. And we believe you’re going to learn a lot about yourself with challenges like these.

Source: The Creativity Post

All in all, we find that you can relax and unwind at the same time. Through this method, you’re just making sure that you are keeping that brain in fabulous shape!


Today’s trick challenge is another famous graphic puzzle. Yes, it’s going to see how much you pay attention to the little details in life. But can you be focused to the max while solving it?

All in all, we’re all about making sure you remain engaged and entertained. So, as far as hints are concerned, there simply aren’t any. It’s more about finding the answer as fast as you can with ease.

Source: Twitter

Before we forget, those with higher IQs managed to do it in less than 10 seconds. But we’d like to see where you stand! So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get the puzzle ball moving in the right direction!


The tricky puzzle

Source: Wakeupyourmind

For your source of fun, the illustrators of this challenge have worked really hard in devising something that’s guaranteed to trick that vision of yours. All you need to do is count the right number of 7’s amongst the others. Zoom in, because we believe there are more than just a few! Good luck!


The right solution

Do you think you’ve found them all? Well, there’s simply only one way to figure that out! Scroll down below and let us know!

Source: Skip Prichard

The correct answer is TWELVE! Were you able to find each and every one of them?