Categories: Healthlife

If You Are A Victim of Sleep Apnea, Here’s How to Fall Asleep In Just Minutes

The world today is rushing like they have no present.


All a human does is run after everything. Be it their work, their family, their job, their kids or anything at all in the world.

And this is what creates a lot of stress in the mind of people. While the stress is not visible on the outside, it can cause some major problems on the inside.


Constantly being in stress gives birth to some physical as well as mental diseases like anxiety and hypertension. There is one more vital thing that we lack due to excessive stress is sleep.

Sleep is a must for a human but the kind of life we live today. Sleep deprivation is the one thing most people are suffering from in the present world.


So how to deal with it? Well, we understand how hard it must be for you because you are not alone in this. Even the soldiers fighting on the borders of the country face the same problem and that is why the U.S. Navy uses this great trick to fall asleep within 120 seconds without wasting much time.


The method was first published in a book called Relax and Win: Championship Performance in the year 1981. But at that time, it did not receive enough attention from people. But now the times have changed and this method can be of great help for the humans around the globe.


Steps to follow.

  1. Relax all the muscles in your face including jaw, tongue, muscles around eyes, etc.

2.  Drop down your shoulders to relax your arms and deep breathe to relax your legs then.


3. Now comes the time for imagination. To get into sleep, imagine yourself lying with your eyes closed in a canoe    in the middle of a lake with sounds of water flowing coming to your ears. This will give peace to your mind and you will in time doze off to sleep.


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