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A Recent Expedition Has Led to the Discovery of the Evidence of the Famed Biblical King Josiah

A recent discovery in Israel has led to a huge uproar in the state as a clay seal has been found in Jerusalem which have traces of evidence of the great Biblical Jewish King Josiah.


The king is known for having a unique presence in Jewish history as the person who has brought back the people from the observance of Torah who has been one of the most nefarious predecessors of Manasseh.

Daily Wire

The Israel Antiquities Authority and the Tel Aviv University was the main heads behind the discovery. The expedition has led them to the underneath of a car park from where they found a seal.


The archaeological team also found a huge building which consisted the tiled floors as well as ornate architecture which were burned down in 586 B.C. by the nefarious Babylonians after they captured Jerusalem.

The discovery of that evidence has helped the archaeologist to confirm that the building was being used as an administrative center for the King for its Jewish government.


As per the archaeologists Sveta Pnik and Ayyala Rodan, the main motto of the project are the finds out the original city of King David. One of the expeditors was quoted saying that the find will connect the whole world and the context that they are going to find in that spot.


As per the King Josiah’s second book, he became a successor of the throne when he was just eight years old. The high priest of the kingdom said that they had found the scroll which was hidden in the temple.

Just a year back, Israel has also announced of their successful discovery of the bullae which is a piece of solid evidence to prove the existence of the great prophet Isaiah.


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