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‘My Dad Wants Me To Be A Surrogate For Him And His New Wife – Am I In The Wrong For Giving Him A Big ‘No’?’

A woman has shared how her father asked her to be a surrogate for him and his new wife but he was left disappointed when she refused to do it.


The 26-year-old woman took to Reddit and explained that her dad, 56, just tied the knot with a 40-year-old woman.

They have been trying for a child for over two years but they aren’t getting any luck.


“He asked if things with IVF don’t work out if I would be willing to be a possible surrogate (with donor DNA for both of them),” she wrote.


“I was shocked and honestly slightly disgusted by the idea.”

The woman also explained that she’s had a rocky relationship with her dad. They went many years without talking to each other so she was shocked when he asked her to be a surrogate.


“All of this makes the fact that he asked so shocking,” she expressed.

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“When he asked I gave an awkward chuckle and said, ‘I don’t even know if I ever want to physically have a child myself and if I do, I would probably use surrogacy myself if I could, you know?” she continued.


“He was audibly disappointed when he responded with, ‘No, I don’t know’. There was an awkward pause and I said, ‘Yeah well… sorry but I love you’. And we hung up.

“I was so shocked I thought I had entered the twilight zone and started to feel nauseous.”


“I would like her to put the fear of God into him so he never considers even THINKING of me and surrogacy in the same sentence ever again,” she added.

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“My dad is a selfish person. I know he didn’t consider the ramifications of what being pregnant and having a child would have on me at all – even if I would not be involved with raising it,” the woman went on.


“I know part of why he asked is because he was hoping to save the money a surrogacy agency costs. It’s grossing me out that he had to have thought about me being pregnant. I’d like to talk to my mum about this.”

She then asked Reddit users whether she should talk to her mom about it even though she was told to keep it to herself.


One person commented: “If he’s prepared to ask you to be his surrogate, he has to ALSO be prepared that people are going to find out about it.”

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Another wrote: “I’m usually in the camp of don’t spill secrets, but this is a huge ask and if you need to confide in your mum, confide in her. It’s something that majorly affects you.”


A third added: “That was a completely inappropriate thing to ask of you.”

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