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‘My Husband And I Just Had An Argument Over His House Cleaning Style Because I Think It’s Disgusting But He Won’t Stop’

Most women consider themselves lucky when their husbands or partners help out around the house.


But one woman was left furious after seeing the way her husband cleans the kitchen and despite complaining about his ‘disgusting’ style, he just won’t stop doing it.

The woman took to Mumsnet and explained that they have a routine: she prepares dinner and he cleans up after as she put the kids to bed.

Getty Images/PhotoAlto

“It’s a system that works well for us!” the woman said.

But the woman was left furious after discovering how her husband did his cleaning task.


“This evening I came downstairs and found him sweeping the kitchen surfaces with our dustpan and brush!” she expressed.

“I asked him not to do this before so when I saw him doing it again this evening I got angry and asked why he couldn’t do it the normal way i.e. use a cloth to sweep crumbs into hand or even onto floor and sweep after (which he’d be doing anyway!).”


Her husband couldn’t understand what’s wrong with the way he cleaned the kitchen surfaces and she called work as ‘disgusting.’


But he said that he won’t help with cleaning anymore if he couldn’t do it his own way.

“This is gross. He won’t listen. We’re not actually speaking over this!” she added.

Mumsnet users were left divided, with one person commenting: “The germs! Makes me feel all twitchy reading.”


Another wrote: “If he’s wiping it with a cloth and some sort of soap/disinfectant after I really can’t see the problem.”


A third said: “Careful what you wish for.”


Someone else added: “Different ways of doing things/standards here. As long as he wipes down the surfaces after with, eg an anti-bac spray, I could live with this.”

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