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‘My Husband Thinks I’m Being Unreasonable After I Told Him That I Want To Raise Our Baby As Vegetarian’

Parents usually instill their own lifestyle and beliefs into their kids, and when it’s about specific diets, it is usually the parents who decided how and what to feed their child.


However, one mother on Mumsnet has shared how her husband completely disagreed with her when she told him that she wanted to raise their daughter as a vegetarian.

The pregnant mom said that she’s following a vegetarian diet, so she wants her child to be the same way once she has been weaned off of milk.


“I am pregnant and vegetarian. We’re expecting a little girl in July and I’d like to bring her up as a vegetarian, as I don’t feel it’s fair to make her eat animals until she’s old enough to decide she is happy to,” the mother wrote on Mumsnet.


“My husband, on the other hand, thinks she should be made to eat meat until she’s old enough to decide.

“Who is being unreasonable here?”


The mother’s question has sparked a lengthy debate, as many people said they think their daughter should make their own decisions.


One person commented: “I would have to side with your husband here. The main reason being it will be easier to ensure she’s getting all of her essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals etc by eating a variety of foods including meat and fish.”


Another wrote: “I’m vegetarian but brought my children up eating meat until they could choose for themselves. One has now chosen to become vegetarian, but the other is happy to continue eating meat.”


A third said: “I’d say the fairest compromise is that if you buy her/make her a meal, it will be veggie, and if he buys her/makes her a meal, it can (have meat). At some point, she will show a preference.”


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