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‘My CREEPY Mother-In-Law Wants To Be The Mother Of My BABY And Now She’s Taking Parenting Classes’

A woman has shared how she was left feeling upset because her mother-in-law has been acting as her baby’s parent.


While she is happy that her baby is receiving enough care and love, she finds her mother-in-law’s behavior ‘creepy.’

Taking to Reddit, the woman said that she and her mother-in-law had a good relationship until she got pregnant.

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“Just constantly hovering, offering unsolicited advice constantly, arguing with me about my healthcare choices. She would come to visit and my blood pressure would get dangerously high and I was just in a constant state of anxiety because no matter what I said to quell her intrusion, she would persist. For the baby,” she explained.


She also said that her mother-in-law has shared her opinions on how she should parent her child.

Because of this, she has tried to keep some distance from her in-laws.

“They live five hours away and our winters are no joke so we really don’t have to see them that often, but her impact can last months, the frustrated mom continued.

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“She started following almost exclusively parenting accounts on Instagram, she started gifting us clean vegan cookbooks (because she’s worried about her granddaughter).point 266 |


My daughter regresses after every visit because no matter how firm I am with MIL she won’t listen to me and holds my daughter in a death grip when she is crying and wants to get down.point 153 | point 156 | 1

She also said that her mother-in-law insists on doing baths and diaper changes for her baby whenever she visits. The mother-in-law also wants to be the one to put her daughter to bed and becomes ‘resentful’ when she takes her baby away to breastfeed.


“She wants to be my baby’s mother because she created a life for herself where being a mother is her exclusive identity and her kids are grown. I just desperately want someone to read this and say ‘you’re not crazy, she’s crazy!’” she added.

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Dozens of Reddit users replied to her post, with one person commenting: “”You’re not crazy! For sure.point 210 |


So many red flags there friend.point 26 | Especially the whole diaper changing and contact naps insistence.point 83 | I would keep as far away as possible.point 113 | Is going no contact an option at all? It’s not here unfortunately so I understand that having to manage the situation.point 217 |


Good luck.point 9 | point 12 | 1

Another said: “It’s pretty sad her entire identity is wrapped up in being a mother to the point that she doesn’t understand how to be a grandmother. What’s so bad about confronting her?”

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