Categories: Daily top 10Familylife

‘My Mother-In-Law Cruelly Shamed Me For Having Fertility Issues So I Decided To Give Her A Verbal Slap But Am I The One In The Wrong Here?’

A woman has shared how her mother-in-law cruelly shamed her for having fertility issues so she decided to plan her revenge.


Sharing her story on Reddit, the woman explained that she and her husband have been trying to get pregnant for three years but fertility issues have prevented them from conceiving.

During a family barbecue, the husband was playing with his cousin’s baby when her mother-in-law turned to her and said: “You are cruel and selfish for stopping my son from having everything he wants.”


“In the moment I just saw red and said, ‘Well, we seem to have different opinions on that. I think it’s cruel and selfish to cheat on your husband and the father of your two children with his best friend, kick him out and move your bit on the side in two weeks later, but that’s just me.


“Out of curiosity, is it all infertile women who are cruel and selfish or just the ones married to your sons?”

Even though she felt great to have a response, her mother-in-law burst into tears and the whole family sided with her.

While her husband was mad at his mother, he also thought that his wife crossed a line.


“I have told my husband that I have no problem with him maintaining a relationship with his mother but I will not be apologizing to her,” she expressed.


Reddit users were quick to share their thoughts on the matter, with one person saying: “Brilliant comeback. Absolutely epic.”

Another said: “Good response and don’t apologize unless she apologized first. Your apology can be something like ‘I’m sorry I lost my temper about what you said. It’s a sore subject we shouldn’t talk about again.’ Hopefully she’ll think twice before putting you down again. If she seems to be winding up to something in the future, just ask ‘are you sure you want to go there again?!”


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