Categories: Familylife

Mother Who Was Told She Could No Longer Conceive Gives Birth To Identical TRIPLETS

A mother who was told she could no longer conceive naturally because her eggs were “too old” gave birth to identical triplets.


Audrey Tiberius was 45-year-old when she naturally conceived identical triplets with her husband, 41-year-old Tyler Tiberius.


According to the reports, the triplets came as a major surprise years after their mother was told by her doctor that expecting to conceive a baby naturally was no longer a realistic option due to her age.


Tiberius was also told that the chances of her conceiving through IVF were just at around a slim 10 percent when she and her husband wanted to expand their family and give their four sons a new sibling.


“They said, ‘I’m sorry, your eggs are too old. We did three rounds of in vitro and they all failed,” Audrey told Today.


Dismayed by the results of the IVF, the mother gave up on IVF only to fall pregnant with identical triplets at the age of 45.


As a statistician reportedly told her, the chances of a 45-year-old woman who is struggling with fertility to conceive identical triplets naturally are one in 20 billion.


“I prayed that my babies would be safe and that I would deliver them when I was supposed to — and that’s what happened,” Tiberius added.


Fortunately, all three babies were born healthy and without major complications even though the risk of miscarriage is very high at Audrey’s age.


To make matters even more interesting, the triplets were all boys, meaning that Audrey and Tyler now share seven sons.

©Audrey Tiberius – Today

“I always had seven in my mind — that was always my dream number. But I didn’t think it would happen for me because of my age,” the proud mom concluded.


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