Categories: Animals/PetsFamilylife

Family Finally Reunited With Missing Dog While Waiting In Line To Adopt A Cat

Reunions always feel good, especially when your furry companion had been missing for months and you started believing you would never see your pal again.


A family in Jacksonville, Florida thought they wouldn’t have the chance to see their family dog who had gone missing over the summer.

Fortunately, they found their lost dog while waiting in line to adopt a cat at a local PetSmart.


“That’s my Dopey!” the father cried out when he “spotted a brown and white dog being leashed to go for a walk.”


Dopey, who had been missing since August, recognized his owner’s voice and he immediately ran over to his family. The happy pooch ‘leapt into their arms’ and covered them with kisses!

The Jacksonville Human Society wrote that the family “are thrilled that their sweet pup is back home!” adding “stories like Dopey’s, the many we tell and the many untold, are proof that generosity breeds joy in Jacksonville every day.”


They added: “From the strangers who helped Dopey when he was lost to the volunteers and staff who lovingly cared for him, from the donors who made his reunion possible to foundations like PetsSmart Charities for sponsoring the event that brought this family back together … generosity and joy are all around us.”


The Jacksonville Human Society also shared another reunion story, thanks to their ‘Feline Frenzy’ event, where they neuter and spay cats free of charge.

After sedating the felines, they checked if any of the cats have a microchip. They discovered that one cat did and they immediately “called the owners who rushed over to get her!”


The shelter added: “She had been missing for a few months. We would’ve snapped a picture of her, but she was still a little loopy from the anesthesia.”


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