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“Am I In The Wrong For Sending My Family A Set Of Guidelines For Visiting My Newborn?”

When it comes down to their own children, some parents are very particular and this next story is about a couple who fall into the same category.


They reportedly sent out a list of guidelines to their family before they can visit and now, they’re going viral for being way too overly cautious and protective of their newborn baby.

Source: Mirror

The new guidelines were for all of his family members and friends that had requested to come over and visit the child. But the father says he was very particular about who was coming and what they planned on doing.


So to prevent any misunderstandings, he chose to email a list of guidelines to loved ones on how he expected to behave when meeting his son for the first time.

Source: Mirror

The new dad says being a father for the first time was not going to be easy and he certainly was very anxious about who was going to visit the child.


He was not only overprotective but worried too. It was definitely a new experience and he wanted to make sure things went smoothly and also went in his favor.

Source: Pixabay

But the fact that he wished to alleviate his own anxiety by sending out a list of guidelines definitely took his family by surprise. And it’s safe to say that not a lot of people liked that behavior.


Not only did some brand his behavior as rude but others felt he was demanding and pushy and they weren’t planning on taking that.

Source: Pixabay

Taking the matter to the online platform Reddit, he began to ask netizens what they felt about the issue. He even justified how neither side of the family had any boundaries when it came down to children’s visits.


For this reason, he wished to make their lives easier with such behavior. But little did he know that in the end, he’d be called out as the ‘bad guy’.