Categories: Familylife

Woman Refuses To Make Her Husband’s Side Of The Bed, Wash His Clothes Or Buy Him Food Because He Didn’t Arrange Her Clothes

A woman has revealed that she refuses to make her husband’s side of the bed, wash his clothes, or prepare him food because he did not arrange her clothes after doing the laundry.


Kelsi Burns, who goes under the username @mumlifechoseme on TikTok, explained that her husband Matt did not put her clothes away when she asked him to.

©@mumlifechoseme via TikTok

That’s when she decided to shop only for herself and their children and stop making his side of the bed.


“I asked my husband why he hadn’t put my laundry away and he got annoyed,” The TikTok user said.

©@mumlifechoseme via TikTok

“He said, ‘They’re your clothes.’ I chose violence. Only washing my clothes then lol. Only changing the sheets on my side of the bed.


“Only shopping for me and the kids now, hope you’re not hungry.”

But many people warned that her ‘passive aggressive’ behavior can ruin their relationship while others praised her for her actions.

©@mumlifechoseme via TikTok

“Not petty. Did that with my husband. Left his laundry. He got the message. He started helping,” one person wrote.


“I stopped washing my husband’s clothes, he caught on real quick and does his own. Win,” another said.

“I would’ve done the exact same thing,” a third commented.

©@mumlifechoseme via TikTok

“Men be calling something ‘wifey material’ when it really is just a replacement for their mom taking care of them,” someone else added.


But critics disagreed and said that taking revenge can ruin their marriage.

One person wrote: “Do yall not date long enough to work out these things or did ya not live together prior to marriage?”

©@mumlifechoseme via TikTok

Another said: “When you find yourself having to do things like this for him to understand, that’s your sign that it’s time to leave.”


A third added: “This is a passive aggressive behavior, better talk and discuss your different POV. Maybe he is the provider and he expects better from you… IDK…”

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