Categories: Familylife

Father Cuts His Teenage Son’s Bedroom Door In Half To Teach Him A Lesson In Respect

A father’s punishment went viral after it was revealed he had cut his teenage son’s door in half to teach him some respect.


While every parent has a different approach when it comes to raising and dealing with troublesome teenagers, one dad took parenting to the next level as he decided to cut his son’s main bedroom door in half.

©uDutchBandit via Reddit

The bizarre punishment method first went viral after the teen’s sibling shared a photo of his desperate-looking brother on Reddit and explained that the teenager was punished for slamming his door.


“When your brother gets his door cut in half as punishment for slamming his door,” the picture’s caption read.

©uDutchBandit via Reddit

After the picture went viral, viewers were left divided in the comment section where some suggested the father was in the right for making a statement while others insisted he was being cruel and unreasonable for destroying a perfectly good door.


“This is how you alienate your children. I know from personal experience,” one person wrote.

“From a parents perspective, that’s a slightly disproportionate response,” another said.

Others, however, insisted that the teenager had to be disciplined for repeatedly slamming the door.


“If you look at the door it has been kicked and punched a couple times, probably by the teenager who now has only half a door. Considering the damage to the door and the fact that those interior doors are rather cheap, it’s a good lesson,” someone added.


“You realize that they probably removed the door to cut it in the first place. I think the dad is making a point. Those cheap interior doors aren’t that expensive and come primed. My guess is the door was already damaged as well,” another argued.

©Freeograph- Shutterstock – Symbolic Photo

Then, someone went on to provide an in-depth explanation saying: “Seems like this thread is polarized in two directions. People who have experienced similar or have some basic knowledge on psychology and know the repercussions of this on the kid and how abusive it is.


“People who have either experienced this and want to see others experience the same or from an outside perspective consider this a balanced equation of justice.

©Getty Images

“He’s a kid in an increasingly adult body. Growing up. And he has certain emotional and physical needs that his parents are ignoring here. He’s not an actual psychopath that needs to feel punishment.


“Teenagers are extremely difficult at times. That is literally their developmental milestone. Give them a safe nurturing environment at home, despite their acting out and age appropriate feed back and they can turn into wonderful responsible adults. Take off half their door and teach them that you are to be feared and never trusted and alienate them to the point that they never come to you for anything.”


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