On the social platform, Reddit, a single father posts about his predicament that has been raised within his household.
As a single father, he was asking for advice on how to deal with his daughter who recently got pregnant. On his end, he would like it if she got an abortion.
She is at a young age, and although a girl’s body is “ready” to conceive at the young age of 13, he thinks it is not the right time for her to raise a baby. He gives background on their family, that she has no mother due to “excessive bleeding after childbirth,” which leads to the many worries of his daughter giving birth.
Describing his daughter, he tells the platform that she is a “fantastic young lady,” and by the likes of it, their relationship is close because he noticed that there had been something off with the girl for the past few weeks.
There were options with the pregnancy, and one of them was abortion. The daughter retaliates, saying that “under no circumstances will she abort the baby” or put the baby up for adoption. Another option that she suggested is that she would learn online, caring for the baby at home.
Even though she had some options under her belt, he disagreed, stating, “I don’t even want to consider adoption. I can’t imagine her going through pregnancy, then labor… I don’t care at all about the clump of cell in her uterus, I care about her. The girl I raised.”
He continued to voice his concern about losing her like he did with his wife, and how the child would possibly become a financial burden if she did not organize well. He told her that she needed to get an abortion or else he would kick her out of the house.
Digging further into the situation, he asked who the father was but she rejected to disclose any information to him.
While scrolling through his daughter’s phone, he found out that it was a friend of a friend, contacting the mother in order to talk about his daughter’s pregnancy.
The mother states that they were “not interested in a co-parenting situation,” paying child support but the father would not be involved.
He realizes that he cannot force the boy, asking for the boy’s sister as a female influence in his daughter’s life so that she does not go through pregnancy alone if she decides to go through.
After posting on Reddit, it goes viral and people even comment “In my state, you can’t get an abortion after 14 weeks.
You need to start by looking at the laws. ” The daughter is currently 13 weeks pregnant. As brought up before, adoption would be another viable option for the girl.People comment, “Adoption satisfies the daughter’s want to have a child, and keeping in contact with her; while reducing/eliminating the financial burden on the father.