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Father And Daughter Who Reunited After 18 Years Sent A Message To The McCanns Whose Daughter Is Missing Since 2007

Kate and Gerry McCann’s three-year-old daughter, Madeleine McCann went missing on May 3, 2007, when the family was on holiday in Portugal.


Now, the father of Kamiyah Mobley has told the McCanns not to give up hope as he could reunite with his own daughter after 18 years.

Kamiyah Mobley was snatched from her mother, Shanara Mobley’s arms by a woman posing as a nurse named Gloria Williams just eight hours after being born in 1998 in Jacksonville, Florida.

Kamiyah Mobley and Craig Aiken

Williams raised Kamiyah as her own child after kidnapping her and gave her a false name, Alexis Manigo.


Three years ago, when Kamiyah was 18, police found Kamiyah in Walterboro, South Carolina where she was living with her kidnapper.

Kamiyah didn’t know her mother was actually her kidnapper until DNA tests proved that she was born to Shanara Mobley and Craig Aiken.


Kamiyah was then reunited with her family while Williams is serving 18 years in prison for kidnapping Kamiyah.

Madeleine McCann
Kate and Gerry McCann

Kamiyah and her father, Craig Aiken have now sent a message to the McCanns telling them not to give hope.


45-year-old Craig said: “We are bound together by the terrible crimes that befell our daughters. Very few parents in the world are united by such an atrocious wrong.”

“But I have worn the shoes that Kate and Gerry now wear. I have walked the footsteps they now tread and I have come out the other side.”


He said he always used to say Kamiyah is coming home and never gave up or thought she was dead.

Gloria Williams and Kamiyah

He told that Kate and Gerry should stick together and he would teach them to never give up.


Music producer Craig was not with his partner Shanara when she gave birth as he was in jail on a minor drug charge. He was given the news of Kamiyah’s kidnapping by a female officer.

Craig says: “She said, ‘I have good news and bad news’. I said, ‘What’s the good news, because I am already in jail. What could be worse than this?’.”


“She said, ‘Your daughter was born seven pounds eight ounces. Her name is Kamiyah’. I asked her what the bad news was, and she said, ‘Your daughter was kidnapped’. I was like ‘kidnapped?’.”

He said he was left hurt.

Craig and Shanara were then under suspicion as police thought they had kidnapped their daughter.


He said the same happened to the McCanns and he knows how it feels when everyone believes that the parents have kidnapped their child.

Shanara, Kamiyah, and Craig

Craig said: “One of the main reasons Kamiyah was kidnapped for so long was because the police wasted so much time on us. The same goes for Madeleine.”


He said he just wants the McCanns to keep hoping and never give up.

He said: “If it happened to me, then it can happen to them.”

Kamiyah, who shares a great bond with her father, said she is proof that eventually, we find our way back home.




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