Categories: Healthlife

Father Left Crippled By Post-Natal Depression After His First Child Was Born

Watch Father Speak Out About His Post-Natal Depression!


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A father who was left crippled by post-natal depression following the birth of his firstborn has opened up and admitted he is afraid that the condition will return when his wife gives birth to their second child.


According to the newest research, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that fathers, besides mothers, can also suffer from post-natal depression and that the effects can be just as devastating as those seen in mothers.

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While the topic of post-natal depression in men is still somewhat a taboo that not many men are ready to open up about, 27-year-old Ross Hunt isn’t holding back when speaking about his experience.


“I’m up and down with it a lot so I’m worried about it coming back and ending up back where I was with Isabelle,” he admitted, adding that his PND was worse than that of his 26-year-old wife, Rachel.

Caters News Agency

“Part of me thinks about it too much so I’m trying to push it to the back of my mind. I’ve got a lot more in place this time round,” he added, explaining he is afraid that the condition will strike him once again when his wife gives birth to their second child.


“Dads suffer a lot too but just don’t want to talk about it, it’s the last taboo among men. A lot of men go through this but don’t want to talk about it. If it wasn’t for Rachel I don’t know what I would have done.”

Caters News Agency

According to Rachel, her husband’s condition was very serious and hard to deal with at the time.

“If I’m honest, it was hard work. I had just become a new mother and had a baby to look after which I was completely clueless with, and then I had a husband who needed my help too,” she said.

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“As much as it was hard for Ross feeling that way, it was extremely hard for me too. The worst part is just the feeling of helplessness you get whenever you have someone with a mental health condition. Sometimes there’s nothing you can really do other than be there.

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“I just know that this time around he has a lot more in place to help him.point 176 | He’s currently on new medication which will hopefully be working well come October, and of course, he has his outlets via the blog and Instagram, and we’ve always had a good relationship which helps.point 354 |


He also has Isabelle to show him what happens when you get through PND if it does return.point 72 | point 75 | 1

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