Categories: life

A Female Trooper Signs Off for the Last Time After Serving for 36 Years

Every person thinks a lot about the pros and cons before selecting their career path, they think about the career which will support their passion and they then work on it, but some people choose their job to make things better for others.



Barbara Ehrhart chose her path when she was just 21 years old. She realized her calling when a trooper stopped her for speeding in St. Pete.


Thinking that she could make a massive difference in dealing with people, she joined the force. In her 36 years of providing the services, she has always treated people with respect and made sure that the crimes don’t take place.


It is common to see female police officers nowadays, but 40 years back it wasn’t, and Barbara did a great job.


Barbara claims that when people used to tell her that this isn’t what you should be doing, but she kept on going, and now the world accepts female police officers.


Barbara thinks of this as her dream come true because she learned a lot of important things while doing her job, and most importantly, she met her husband while she was doing her job.


Now when she is finally serving for the last time, Florida Highway Patrol claims that being a female trooper, she has served for the longest time.


Barbara wants to inspire a lot of women to pursue their dreams no matter what it is and make this world a better place to live in.

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