Here is your daily riddle! We look forward to giving our users entertaining content.
In the riddle that we have concocted today, the question is, “I have many teeth, but I cannot bite. What am I?” The first impression that users get is that it might be an animal who has teeth and can not bite. As usual, we will be giving hints in order to grind the gears in your brain. Have you figured it out already without our hints, or will you be needing some assistance?
If it is not connected to any type of animal, what could possibly have teeth and not bite? Here is a hint: It is an inanimate object.
So this means that it isn’t an animal or even human, it is a thing that does not breathe and is stationary.
The hint feels vague, but we will be giving another hint further into the article. There are other riddles just like this, so with context clues and hints, you will be able to understand this riddle.For the second hint, it is something that keeps you tidy and is usually a household item. This gives a more narrow description without giving out the answer right away. Tag a friend and see if they can help or even guess the riddle without the hints. Is it clear yet as to what the riddle is asking? Don’t fret, we will be giving the answer soon.
If it has teeth but does not bite, what is it? It’s simple! It’s an object that helps keep your hair in place and tidies up your image. Did you finally understand the riddle? The answer to the riddle is: A comb! It has teeth itself and combs manes, but it certainly does not bite. Thanks for playing and look out for the next riddle!