Categories: Daily top 10Quiz

Even A 9-Year-Old Found The Sewing Machine In Less Than A Minute (5 Seconds To Be Precise)! What About You?

A seamstress worked for hours on an important assignment in which she had to prepare a dress for a celebrity, but suddenly something strange happened that stopped her from completing the task.


Meet Indiana, who is a talented seamstress and is famous for her outstanding work in NYC.point 74 | Recently, she has been asked to prepare a dress for a celebrity who needed the dress in a short time.point 156 | Indiana has been working day and night in order to prepare the dress in the given duration, but something stopped all her actions at once.point 270 |


Someone came into her sewing area and hid the sewing machine when Indiana was in the Iron room, pressing a dress sleeve.point 99 | When she returned, her sewing machine was not in its place, which worried her a lot.point 168 | 1

Source: ABC News – Walt Disney

Would you please take a look at the picture given below and find the sewing machine for Indiana. On a side note, a kid in Australia found the sewing machine hidden in the picture in less than a minute.

Source: Bright Side

We are sure that by now you have found the sewing machine. Check out the picture below to confirm your answer.

Source: Bright Side

If you are good at finding hidden items, you must be able to solve the riddle in the following picture in which a rabbit is present in between these hamsters, so identify the rabbit in the cage of hamsters if your concentration skills are outstanding.

Source: Bright Side

If you have found the rabbit in the cage of hamsters, then you must be a genius. But in case you haven’t, then don’t worry and take a look at the following picture in which we have highlighted where the rabbit was hidden.

Source: Bright Side

Share these two riddles with your friends and fellows and ask them to find the sewing machine and the rabbit in less than a minute. Also, let us know in the comments how much time it took you to find the hidden items in these two pictures.