Categories: Quiz

Can You Find The Hidden Word “LOVE” Among The Heart-Shaped Candies?

This latest brainteaser that re-emerged online will leave you squinting your eyes!


The people behind this vibrant brainteaser were Gorgeous Cottages, a Yorkshire-based company in the UK.

The challenge is to find the hidden word ‘LOVE’ among the heart-shaped candies topped with other romantic words.

According to the puzzle creators, it takes an average of 1 minute and 5 seconds to solve this!


But can you solve it quicker?

If you’re up for the challenge, then let’s go!

Spot the word ‘LOVE’ in the photo below:











Courtesy of Gorgeous Cottages & Daily Mail

If you are struggling to find the well-hidden word, here’s a clue for you: try to look at the light pink hearts on the right side of the image.












Did you spot the word ‘Love’? If yes, then congratulations! Your attention to detail is truly one of a kind!

If you want to double-check if you got it right, just scroll down and we will reveal the word’s hiding place.












The Answer

Courtesy of Gorgeous Cottages & Daily Mail

If you enjoyed solving the puzzle above, why not try another one?


The next ‘find the missing object puzzle was created by a UK-based communications firm called Moneypenny and the aim is to find the hidden telephone among the busy scene of speech bubbles!

Are you ready to find the hidden telephone? You have a 55-second record to beat so let’s start!


Spot the hidden telephone in the image below:

Courtesy of Moneypenny & DailyMail











If you’re struggling to find the phone, here’s a hint for you: try looking toward the bottom right side of the busy graphic.












Did you spot the telephone? If you did, WOW! You did a great job finding it!

Now, scroll down to double-check your answer!











The Answer

Courtesy of Moneypenny & DailyMail

There it is!


If you enjoyed solving these puzzles, please SHARE this article with your family and friends and stay tuned for more challenging yet fun-filled brainteasers!