Categories: Animals/Petslife

Firefighter Says The Lord Told Him What To Do With The Dog He Rescued From Pile Of Heavy Rocks

Losing a pet is like losing a beloved family member.


The pain can linger for years and it can be difficult to bring a new one into your home.

But three years after Fire Captain Paul Bryant lost their family pooch, he found another pup he believes a literal Godsend.

It was on March 30 when he and his colleagues responded to a call claiming some bikers had heard a crying pup. The firemen followed the cries to a hill made of rocks and slabs and discovered a hole where the shrieks were coming from.


When they arrived, they planned the rescue mission carefully to make sure rocks won’t collapse and the puppy would be safe.


With a shovel, Bryant carefully got rid of some rocks and dirt. He managed to get the hole big enough so he could take the crying puppy out. After a bit of maneuvering and hard work, the fireman took the puppy in his arms.

“Then once we got him out, he was like, ‘Hey, how are you?’” Bryant told WMC5. “It was just an absolutely gorgeous experience.”


They brought the pooch to a vet and there were no major problems found. He was then sent to the Charleston Animal Society to be prepared for adoption.


The North Charleston Fire Department shared on Facebook: “Puppy rescue today by Engine 201 Captain Bryant and NCPD. This little pup was found by some bike riders who heard the puppy crying beneath a pile of rock.”


A few days later, Bryant was convinced the pup had to be his. “I said, ‘Oh, no,’ this was meant to be, he’s my dog and he’s coming home with me,” Bryant said. “And this was just absolutely incredible, doing the rescue, and the good Lord just said, ‘This is your dog.’”


When he arrived at the shelter, Bryant said: “How can you not carry that dog home? He’s just adorable.”

The adorable pooch named Rocky has finally found his forever home, all thanks to Bryant and his caring family.


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