Categories: Animals/Petslife

Firefighters Rescued A 420-Pound Pig From An Apartment

firefighters rescued huge female pig using special stretcher to handle her whopping 190 5kg weight.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Firefighters Rescued A 420-Pound Pig From An Apartment

A huge female pig was rescued by firefighters using special stretcher to carry her 30 stone (190.


5kg) weight. Elaine Edwards’ grandchildren bought Twiglet the piggy and they were told they were buying a ‘micro pig.’

However, Twiglet was not really a micro pig as she grew big in size after eating into Chinese takeaways, porridge and chocolate.


Twiglet used to sleep in Elaine’s bedroom in Rotherham, the house trained piggy used to use the litter tray. Elaine passed away in August and her family decided to remove Twiglet from the house but they couldn’t as she was too big to move.


RSPCA inspectors, firefighters and vets came to help and the team helped to get pig put of the house.

RSPCA inspector Kristy Ludlam said: “This was a first for me – a couple of hundred-pound pig is not a common animal to be kept in a first floor flat, for very good reasons.”


“We are really happy that we were able to bring everyone together to help Twiglet and her owner’s family and grateful to everyone involved, and so pleased that she’s doing well in her new home.”

Elaine’s granddaughter Calli Edwards, 20, said: “My nan had always wanted a pig ever since she was a little girl, so we bought one off Facebook.”


“She was absolutely besotted with Twiglet and loved her to death. She was a member of the family.”

“Twiglet had her own single bed in my nan’s room with her own teddies – that was life for Twiglet. She got everything she wanted.”


“No one was allowed to bad-mouthed Twiglet or make jokes about bacon sandwiches around her. She was my nan’s world.”

“If you had nothing nice to say about Twiglet, you had to say nothing at all. She got too big to get down the steps and go out.”


Twiglet has been moved to Peppers Field Equine and Poultry Rehabilitation Center and she has lost some weight there. She lost around one-and-a-half stone (9.5kg) after changing her diet plan.


Centre trustee Chloe Watson, 33, said: “When she first came she was really quiet. I think she was quite depressed after her owner died.”


“She was quiet and reserved but she has now come out of her shell. She has lost around 10 kilograms.”

“Our plan was to re-home her but I’m not sure now. We are toying with the idea of her going to someone perfect but it looks like she is staying put and we might have to get another pig friend.”


“From what a can gather, she had a fantastic life and ruled the roost.”

“She definitely lived a life of luxury in the flat, but it wasn’t really the right environment for her.”



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