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These Uproarious Pictures Of Kids Before And After First Day At School Will Remind You Of Your First Day At School

Here are some collections of pictures from the first day of school by these lovely and cute kids.


The first day of school varies as kids give different reactions and by showing these pictures we are sure that you will be able to recall your memories of first day at school.

These pictures gave an amazing idea for first day at school memes.

#1 This sweety looked too excited but returned like a superhero

Source: Kebab connoisseur

#2  Seems like he got homework in bulk

Source: cr0gd0r



#3 First day at school before and after pictures of the little princess

Source: boobafett13

#4 He does not want to go to school on second day and seemed so excited on the first day

Source: imgur

#5  She is not willing to go to school, she wants to sleep more

Source: agitator

The first day at school could be either full of fun and excitement or depressing as some children have a very friendly and lovely image of school but others are scared of it or perhaps they want to enjoy more.


We at Small joys collected the pictures of kids who look completely different on before and after their first day at school.

#6 Different variations of kids going the first day at school

Source: xMudxCrabx

#7 Before and after

Source: Guinevere Sta Ana

#8 Looks tired looks like she had been doing homework whole night

Source: brossentia

#9 She looks as if she is confused on her second day

Source: Instagram

#10 I’m missing my sleep so I do not want to play

Source: Carole Garcia

#11 The burden of homework made us stressed out on the first day at school

Source: Shawn Irish

#12 Before and after pictures of her preschool

Source: Holly Ferris

#13 Oh yes! Finally, the weekend has come

Source: Annemarie Van Batum

#14 Woah She is such a fashionista

Source: Jessica Sierra

# 15 When her mother came to pick her up she was unable to find her

Source: Amie Gamache

We all know that there is a lot of competition at school these days and there is almost no difference left among the high schools and middle schools. The burden at schools makes kids traumatized and hence they stop asking questions as to when they are going to school? Here we have collected some funniest pictures of the first day at school.


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