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Wine Stains Are Now A Thing Of The Past With The World’s First “Self-Cleaning” Hoodie

s3 6.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Wine Stains Are Now A Thing Of The Past With The World's First "Self-Cleaning" Hoodie


If you’re like most adults, one of the things that excite you most about Christmas is the parties that will be thrown with increasing regularity.


And with so much fun going around, it’s inevitable that you may spill a drink or two on your shirt.

But such troubles may be a thing of the past with the introduction of the first “self-cleaning” sweater in the world. Any liquid will bounce off the fabric without staining it and it’s something you’d definitely want as part of your wardrobe this Christmas.


Watch to learn more about it!

[rumble video_id=v5y4xr domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

The high-tech fabric dries 40 percent faster than normal clothing and is being marketed as a sustainable alternative because it doesn’t need washing for up to a month.


Varun Bhanot, the entrepreneur who invented the sweater, said: “We created a jumper and a hoodie range that repels liquids, dirt, sweats, and odors because you never really know what’s going to happen on any given day.”


“You could spill your coffee, spill some water, or maybe you’re at a party and you might spill some wine down your jumper.”

The 29-year-old added: “You could wear it in the gym, or you could go out and about in it for more than a month and you probably wouldn’t even need to wash it.


“After more than a year of experimentation, prototyping and fabric development we’ve created what we think could be the world’s first set of self-cleaning clothing.”

Varun worked with his wife Anisha, 29, to come up with an anti-stain shirt that could benefit homeless people in Britain. But the advantages of having a piece of clothing that has nanoscopic fibers that repel liquid quickly became evident.


The couple has a charity that they launched together called They’re based in East London and the organization seeks to help rough sleepers. For every one of their hoodies that are sold, they will donate one hoodie to the charity.


Varun said: “It could be a game-changer for sustainable clothing all over the world, and an absolute life-saver for the UK’s homeless and those sleeping rough, who may not have access to washing facilities and need to be kept warm and clean all year round.


“What is great is for every single one bought, one is donated to the UK’s homeless. We partnered up with a few shelters here in East London and the response from them has been one of a huge amount of surprise.

“Most of the stuff they get intends to be second-hand donations,” he continued.


“They could have something which could keep them perpetually very warm, very clean, and would reduce the need for them to be constantly washing things in washing facilities and of course the environmental benefits that come along with that, really took a lot of these shelters by surprise.


“Even though we only launched it around a month ago, people have been absolutely astounded by the effect it can produce and also the longevity of something like this.”

You can visit this site if you want to get your hands on this product.


